Legal notices

Website of the company SIL

114 avenue Danielle Casanova 94200 IVRY sur Seine

Publication Director: Patrick Leveque

Site created by: Artifica (

How to access and use the site
The purpose of the present terms of use is to define modes of access and use of the website Consultation of the site implies accepting and complying with all the following terms of use, which the editorial board reserves the right to modify or update at any time. If you disagree with all or some of the terms of use below, you are strongly advised not to use the site.

Users must comply with the terms of the « Computers and Freedom Act of 6 January 1978″, the violation of which is subject to criminal prosecution.

The law applicable to any disputes resulting from use of the site is French law.

Legal notices and individual liberties
In compliance with the law n°78-17 of 6 January 1978 pertaining to computers, files and freedom, this site has been declared with the National Computer and Freedom Commission.

While visiting the site, you might be requested to enter personal information about yourself (name, address, etc.).
We would like to inform you that data gathered by a form or other means cannot under any circumstances be transmitted, free or in exchange for payment, to moral or physical third parties.

This information enables us to know you and your needs better and to provide you with quality service.

All the measures required for the protection of the Internet and the confidentiality of the information transmitted through our site have been implemented within the limits of the available technology. However, given the openness of the information posted and the impossibility of perfectly controlling how third-parties might use it, we kindly inform you that we decline all responsibility for use of any of the personal information that you might have put on line.

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